Firstly I would like to whole heartedly warmly welcome you
to this space, I can now view this space as something very special; something
in which my whole life has worked towards delivering me; something in which I
have worked my whole life towards delivering to you. As well as a heart-warming
welcome I would like to congratulate you. For what? You may ask. Well I would
like to congratulate you firstly on how well you are doing. Then I would like
to congratulate you further for having come so far in life; having went through
all you have went through; having fought your way through all you have fought through with true warrior spirit; having reached a point in your life that has got you further
than you could have ever possibly imagined and of course you are
now here, in this moment. This special moment that is warm and welcoming; this
special moment that gives you the time to quietly congratulate yourself for
your hard work and impeccable will.
I would now like to welcome you to what has been laid down for
you; I am welcoming you to dwell in our very own heart and soul. I would like to say to you that I am welcoming you to all my hard work but this
would be somewhat untrue; I am in fact welcoming you to something far greater
than I alone; I am welcoming you into a space that has been created through pure
love, a force that has the capacity to change everything; a force that may
conquer all, shining light into the darkest of places; a force that has
consciously conducted all that we may know throughout the history of human and
geological time; throughout the formation of our planet, the solar system and
indeed our own universe and far beyond.
As you may have guessed, I am trying to tell you that this
is not something I have just sat down and wrote; this came to me as it
is coming to you and you are about to find out just exactly what it is that I am talking about. I am truly honoured to be able to present this, on this
day and every other day that you may wish to discover me in a new light. For right now, in this moment, and
those that will proceed this moment, something has been laid down that you have worked ever so
hard to reach, without even realising you have been working towards it; this very
moment and the ones that are to proceed, are exactly why you are here.
As each moment leads to the next it will become more and
more apparent just what it is I may be hinting towards right now. What might it be?
You may ask yourself. Well this is exactly what we will delightfully find out. As we proceed through this process; the process of life itself, we will become more
and more drawn into what we are now speaking of; we will find ourselves deeper
and deeper in what is now being proposed.
We will begin from the start; the processes that brought us to the point that is now being delivered; this point is being delivered
to us in the exact same fashion as it is written down before our eyes
from each moment to moment. I ask for your care and attention as we move
through this, it is leading us to that which we are pointing towards; that in
which we are now pointing toward lays just ahead; what we have been working
towards is now here.
So the process is beginning, we will see each other on the other side.
The Beginning
As we go further into our efforts to truly realise all that we know and understand, beginning with our biggest and most commonly shared beliefs, then moving towards the more acute
and enlightening beliefs, we are beginning to discover a truer enlightenment each and every time.
Beyond our fixed and definite beliefs that are developed by and held by everyone, we find a silence
in which is more real and alive than anything we have ever known or felt.
We are all at different levels of awareness and we may sometimes think or feel that we are at the highest level. Some of us are in a comfort
zone, almost fearful to question what we have worked so hard to know and
understand because we feel good where we are and choose to stay there. The
truth is, there is never a peak, there is no limit; the only peak is
self-declared and self-glorified and the only limit is a self-imposed limit or
a limit which another puts upon us and we accept. Always question what you have
worked to learn and come to believe, especially if it leads you to believe
there is no higher state to be experienced. It is nothing more
than a blissful ignorance that can stop us in our tracks, even if others are
politely trying to help us we can sometimes forget. That in which is been spoken of; that in which may be stopping us in
our tracks is really something that stems from a fear of being wrong or having
to prove ourselves wrong and thus going through a process of humiliation. The
main thing that is pushing us here is a question of, how will we ever come to
experience even higher levels of joy and ecstasy if we are not willing to let
go of what we have now?
We so often get tied to our current levels of joy and happiness because it is higher than anything we have reached before, how did we come to reach this level anyway? Of course! We left our previous state in a somewhat leap of faith. Now if we can consciously let go of where we are now and perhaps say, OK, I will give this a go, I will leave my shoes at the door. What we are doing now is opening up a new opportunity for yet another even higher experience. We are coming to an understanding that may have never been reached. We are experiencing and going into newer, fresher and fuller experiences now that we are consciously letting go of where we are now, despite its seeming comfort. So we are now giving our full trust and faith in this leap, we are willing to take this step into the unknown. We are letting go of where we now are.
We so often get tied to our current levels of joy and happiness because it is higher than anything we have reached before, how did we come to reach this level anyway? Of course! We left our previous state in a somewhat leap of faith. Now if we can consciously let go of where we are now and perhaps say, OK, I will give this a go, I will leave my shoes at the door. What we are doing now is opening up a new opportunity for yet another even higher experience. We are coming to an understanding that may have never been reached. We are experiencing and going into newer, fresher and fuller experiences now that we are consciously letting go of where we are now, despite its seeming comfort. So we are now giving our full trust and faith in this leap, we are willing to take this step into the unknown. We are letting go of where we now are.
The Leap
Our latest realisations are transcending beyond any idea of ego; we are seeing past the
whole dogma around this area, some of our greatest teachers have fallen into
this trap before and failed to move beyond the idea of ego being an actual thing that
must be overcome, hence sometimes never escaping its trap and moving beyond the idea of
“ego” at all, sometimes dwelling there forever. Last time we got hints towards any idea or thought of “an ego” was nothing more than an illusion, an
idea that has been built upon and constructed like any other commonly accepted
belief system (If you are unfamiliar with what I am speaking about
refer back to “From seed to creed”). We have made it our personal endeavour to go
beyond any previous limiting factors that are commonly accepted without
questioning. We have taken the leap and that is why we are now here together.
Science has been seen as a rapidly developing aspect of life in this last century, it is
ever changing, whereas, loosely speaking, spirituality seems to be often left
behind in a stagnant pool of finality guarded more heavily and fiercely by the
holders of its belief. Science and spirituality need not be separate entities,
if viewed separately then we may fall into another trap door of duality,
division and separation.
The true scientist looks with awe
at those things that cannot be explained or proved, these are the most
interesting and elusive. The true holy person does not look within a book but
within their own heart to discover what is yet undiscovered by them. For when a
thing is discovered that was previously unknown and has not been influenced by
anything other than one’s own desire to know something that yet remains
unknown, only then are we discovering what is truly real; what ultimate truth is.
It suddenly changes everything, yet may never be proved or spoke about clearly
for others to understand; an ever elusive force which is forever transforming from the unknown into the known in a beautiful, inspiring and sometimes mesmerising way. People must desire to find this
unknown themselves and if they look they are guaranteed to surprise
themselves. We are now reaching for this unknown, which tells us both that we are ready
to grasp something unknown and transform it into the realm of the known. Well, we are doing good then.
We may think we have come so far and stop in our tracks, a feeling of
pride that we have taken one step beyond the majority, we can begin to enjoy
life in a better way, with our better understanding of how reality works and
how we may influence its effects. All reality is virtual and impressionable; we
can always take it further and deeper than anything we have ever believed,
imagined or experienced. In fact we have
never failed to prove this to ourselves time and time again if we remember
It is at the hindrance of growth and transformation to stop
just because we find others who agree with us or to accept a different belief
because the majority disagrees with us. We must leave this comfort zone if we
wish to advance our knowledge about who we truly are, our true power and where it lies. The truth is that we should see past the illusion of separateness by
now and know that we can never truly be alone, even if we try to be separate
the illusion will always crumble eventually.
Keep pushing forward for the highest truth regardless. Only now are things becoming more apparent where
this is taking us; to find out something on a deeper and truer level.
Fear is literally our worst enemy; it can stop us from
becoming our highest and truest expression in our life. Fear is that powerful
that it can disguise itself as comfort, belonging, superiority, correctness and
many more such masquerades. Luckily there is something natural that will bring us higher
and further from fear regardless. We can assume that evolution is something that
goes perpetually forward with immortality and constant renewal; upgrading when
the time comes, that time is here, it is always now. Evolution cannot go against
universal laws that govern growth and transformation. Just like a frog can
never turn back into a tadpole and likewise the butterfly cannot return to the
state of the caterpillar. This should help you let go of any element of fear
that is stopping you from letting go completely of past beliefs, if not
encourage you greatly to do so.
There may be times when we feel like we are just going round
in circles or worse yet, moving backwards. When we feel like this we are
actually moving forwards although our feelings will tell us otherwise because we are
moving forward inharmoniously. On the contrary when we strive to keep
moving forward; learning and growing, we are in complete harmony with universal
law and there will be no limit to what we can achieve; there will be nothing to
hold us back. When we are not in harmony it is our own responsibility to create
harmony within, we have full control over what we experience in the world
within. We will know when we are in harmony or not because when we are in
harmony with our desires we will feel good about what we are doing, when we are
doing them. If we feel bad when we are doing something it is an indicator
that we are not in harmony with what we desire and that we must change
something to restore harmony if we are to achieve what we desire. Regardless if
it is something seemingly mundane, a conversation, a decision or anything else
you may come to be a part of, you will be able to tell if what you are doing is
truly aligned with your highest desires through the feelings in which
arise. When we are in true harmony we will no longer need to strive, we are simply being carried by a force.
The same force runs through all of life regardless of ones awareness of it, this is
part of having full knowledge of it; fully not knowing or fully being unaware
is the only way one can be led to fully know it for what it is; the contrast is
needed to gain a fuller understanding. Call this force “life itself” if you
must but it is very much alive and intelligent and that is for sure. We may come to the knowledge that this force
has intelligence due to the possession of our own intelligence; we may know
this force wants to know itself fully though our own desires to know ourselves
fully. Each part may reflect the desire and likeness of the whole. Thus we may
faithfully conclude that this force that permeates all things wants to know
itself as we want to know ourselves; this force will come to know itself more
fully for what it truly is through us; we may come to understand more fully who
we are through a fuller understanding of this force.
One for all
One for all and all for one. Now there’s a phrase that we
are most likely all familiar with. It could well be so familiar that we may now
hear it and not even think about what it actually entails. All for one and one
for all, it doesn't matter which way it is written because it still has the
same meaning. OK, so now that I have a little more of your attention, faithfully getting us this far, through no force in which we lay claim to. Let’s look at this on a deeper lever, just as we
intended to. This time we must look at what it actually means, deeper than we have
ever understood it before; in a way that we have never felt its meaning before;
beyond anything we may have ever imagined previously. This is where it begins
to get interesting; this again is the reason that you have continued reading thus
One for all and all for one.
One: Perhaps one individual part of a greater whole, perhaps
one of us, the individual that appears to be one of us; a separate human being. One for all
could then be one of us, an individual of the whole, acting for all; the whole; the
greater good beyond our individual selves. Just like a single cell in our body
operates for the good of our whole body, in particular our health. One for
all could then well be, one of us, an individual, acting for the health and benefit
of a greater whole from which we are both a part of. Consciousness has a plan of
its own it seems, consciousness focuses impeccably and intently to manifest in its
greatest expression, this has been happening since the creation of our
universe; since the creation of our solar system; since the creation of this
planet; since the beginning of life on this planet; through evolution moment to
moment; through every species; through all of history; through our parents as
the conception of us, beginning as an empty single cell, until now, – in this moment – in the here and now, yes,
right now, seemingly intending to keep doing the same, living, expressing,
being, doing, creating and an all manner of other wonders that are being carried into form from
each moment to moment, living, thinking, and experiencing. Experiencing ourself as consciousness is one of the goals of consciousness; experiencing ourselves as we have chosen to experience ourselves. Wow! We cant help but think
WOW at sheer awe of coming to know that the plan thus far of consciousness was
to bring us here, right here, right now, all along through everything that has happened
throughout all of history, just so we can be here together in this moment; this
special moment I warned you so much about.
Now – right now, here in this moment, now that we are more
aware of the awareness that we are actually being; we are being led towards an
element of certainty and truth of who and what we are, like never before. Our consciousness is one consciousness, in which we are both individuations of; it must
then lead us to know; to certainly know, that each part is in the kind and
likeness of the whole and vice versa, the only difference is one of degree. This can be demonstrated from what we
already know about ourselves and our planet through scientific studies on the
cellular level and the behaviour of our own society
and civilisation as a whole; we had to collectively learn all that and so much
more just to bring us here, to this very special moment.
We can safely say that we feel truly honoured and thankful for having the ability to know ourselves in such a way. Life then is just a giant fractal – infinite in scope and eternal in scape. Our known universe as most of us understand it to be, is between 14 and 15 billion years old. The majority of us believe that our known universe flashed into existence within a fraction of a second, from nothing; perhaps something; perhaps something we do not know or understand fully as of yet.
We can safely say that we feel truly honoured and thankful for having the ability to know ourselves in such a way. Life then is just a giant fractal – infinite in scope and eternal in scape. Our known universe as most of us understand it to be, is between 14 and 15 billion years old. The majority of us believe that our known universe flashed into existence within a fraction of a second, from nothing; perhaps something; perhaps something we do not know or understand fully as of yet.
Now let us try and conceptualise something because we may be
able to stretch the proceeding moments into even higher dimensions than experienced ever before. We could try and conceptualise our own big bang as nothing
more than a huge explosion, much like the explosion that brought our own sun
into existence. Viewing our whole known universe as nothing more than a larger
version of our own sun, in which everything else in this larger universe is
proportionally bigger. Right, now lets build a clearer picture.
How many times larger must our sun have to be to measure up
to the size of our known universe?
Well! It’s astronomical, we may say.
Well of course its astronomical we would confirm.
But, we would think to ourselves although we are not thinking in numbers we can still conceive of the greatness in this scale, but only through its near incomprehensibility. Let us ask this question again so that we may know more fully and clearly what we are saying.
How many times larger must our sun have to be to measure up to the size of our known universe?
A monumental amount we would further agree.
So if our known universe has been created through an explosion that was a bigger version of the creation of our sun and everything in this universe is proportionally bigger, we ourselves would be equally and astronomically bigger. OK, we are doing well, very well, lets just take a deep breath and let it sink in. Did you experience any form of duality as you began to understand your greater self?
Well! It’s astronomical, we may say.
Well of course its astronomical we would confirm.
But, we would think to ourselves although we are not thinking in numbers we can still conceive of the greatness in this scale, but only through its near incomprehensibility. Let us ask this question again so that we may know more fully and clearly what we are saying.
How many times larger must our sun have to be to measure up to the size of our known universe?
A monumental amount we would further agree.
So if our known universe has been created through an explosion that was a bigger version of the creation of our sun and everything in this universe is proportionally bigger, we ourselves would be equally and astronomically bigger. OK, we are doing well, very well, lets just take a deep breath and let it sink in. Did you experience any form of duality as you began to understand your greater self?
Let me ask you a few questions:-
Can you now see how highly intelligent you really are?
Do you now feel like you have done something worthwhile to get here?
We just conceived something astronomically monumental! We became aware of something much greater than ourselves but still
managed to experience it as ourselves, something inside and subjective; we are as much a part of it as it is of us. Yet science has only began to touch on this subject and although throughout the ages it has been accepted we find that modern day science is really beginning to study this more in depth. If consciousness itself has had a plan to know itself more fully then it is in line to believe that science will one day be able to prove what we have just
experienced in order that we may experience this on a fuller level. So it begs
to ask the question of whether science is just an extension of our knowledge and understanding of our greater imagined self. There is nothing separating us now, we are here together.
We are now experiencing being on a level far beyond the sub
atomic level of a much larger universe. So, would it not be also probable and
conceivable that there could be a universe similarly smaller to our own
universe in an equally smaller proportions to our sun than our sun is to the known universe?
“Hmm”? We could think to ourself.
Perhaps we are
taking this to unnecessary depths for no particular reason or definite
Well it does go infinity deeper and it is not unnecessary; there is a reason; a definite purpose. The reason is so that we may know ourselves more fully and deeply with each new moment. We can now go on to think that there could
well be universes that are infinitely larger; each universe is just larger in
equal proportions to the last. And, on top of that, each universe can have an infinite amount of other universes parallel to it on the same plane, just as there are many galaxies in our own known universe. The same could be said for universes infinitely
smaller, with each universe being smaller in equal proportions to the last.
What then might we do? Well the answer is quite simple. We
love ourselves, we love ourselves fully, and we love ourselves whilst holding
the vision of the infinitely big and the infinitely small and think WOW! We are
so lucky! Our culture says to not be selfish and this may well be a culture
that thinks it has moved away from culture. If we are selfish on the scale of
the infinite whilst loving our “whole self” then we are giving everything love!
The individuation of the whole that you are receives an equal amount of love to
everything you can conceive of.
So as you give unto thee you give unto thyself. So it would
be a fair assessment that the greatest love we can ever feel is only a product
of how much love we give. We are receiving love in
direct proportions to that in which you give. When we love our “whole”
conceivable self fully, guess what happens? Our love reaches everything and it
reacts and reflects our love back to us and we receive an abundance of love that
is infinitely amplified, which propels and compels us to feel love and be love
at a much greater lever than previously thought possible. We will be able to love ourself more fully after experiencing a much fuller love. When we give love
unconditionally to our “whole” self, we are then receiving this love as well
but it is when this love is reflected back that we see how our love is being received and the feeling intensifies.
So what happens when we finish reading this? What will
happen? What will have changed? Will we have become different people? What will
happen? What does this actually mean?
I asked myself the same questions as you wrote this. I didn't write this? Then who did? Well it wasn’t me I am clearly just reading
this right now. But all things are one and we are now experiencing ourself as
one, not as something separate from the infinite but rather as an expression of
it. What we are reading is also an expression from a state of oneness. I pretty
much wrote myself, but in order for this to write itself it had to seek out a
channel that could express this so it could make other parts of itself more
aware of itself which will then allow those other parts to act as strong channels. This is our desire and always has been; to fully know
ourselves as we truly are. That is the meaning of life, perhaps not what we all
may have expected, yet we have heard time and time again that the answer is
always the most obvious and simplest one. Let us just state this clearer because this is the way in which we all desire to hear things of significance; clearly:
The meaning of life is to fully and clearly know what we are as fully as we can.
That is it, simple, clear and easy to comprehend. What does this mean for the
future then? What does this make us?
We are a channel of ourselves seeking to know more about
whom we are and where we came from. We are a channel from the infinitely small
to the infinity big that goes on for eternity. It is no surprise that we are
here together reading this, being absolutely amazed at how amazing we actually
are! Yes, we have done all of this for our own benefit. We are now glad to not worry about being selfish; now that we know more about our
“whole” self! Wow! We are simply amazing; We must wonder how much we have had
to go through to get here right now to this moment. I mean what are the
chances, in the whole scale of the universe in its infinite scape that we are lucky enough to finally communicate with ourself in such a direct and real manner!
Perhaps we did not even believe in or understand ourself fully or at all.
I feel honoured to finally get a message to you that can only lead you to a fuller appreciation of who we really are and how great we really are. I feel no different from you; I feel because of you; you are gifted with the true power of creation and the ability to be in awe at your own wonders in every form. It takes luck to a whole new level of being. You are like nothing else in the universe yet you are everything in the universe. You are a truly gifted human being and do not let anything convince you otherwise ever again. You now know for sure to never convince yourself of how gifted you are to have this life. We have everything, literally everything; we are in fact, everything, literally everything.
I feel honoured to finally get a message to you that can only lead you to a fuller appreciation of who we really are and how great we really are. I feel no different from you; I feel because of you; you are gifted with the true power of creation and the ability to be in awe at your own wonders in every form. It takes luck to a whole new level of being. You are like nothing else in the universe yet you are everything in the universe. You are a truly gifted human being and do not let anything convince you otherwise ever again. You now know for sure to never convince yourself of how gifted you are to have this life. We have everything, literally everything; we are in fact, everything, literally everything.
The Visualisation
See yourself being who you truly know you are; see yourself
being who you have always dreamed of being.
See yourself and know that this is a real experience that
will grow into you. That is why it is important for you to put in the effort to
be in this place as often as you can and experience who you are in this moment
so that you may experience yourself in the next moment in a fuller way. Do not
hold back; do not put limits on yourself and your unfoldment, think big, think
of the highest vision of yourself. If you have forgotten who you truly are,
remember now; remember who you came here to be. Do not think yourself down or
in terms of impossibility for you are experiencing who you truly are and what
you came here to be. I have given you a great tool that can be simply used at
any time you may wish: driving in your
car, being on public transport, walking in nature, washing the dishes, sun
bathing, meditating, building, painting or simply just lying in bed in the morning or at night.
There is no limit to how you may use this tool or how often you may use it; it
will always be yours, as it always has been, do not underestimate the ability
that your imagination has to create miraculous happenings in life. Your job is
to just believe in who you are and be grateful for everything that you truly have
and have access to.
You have a right to be proud of yourself, pride does not
hold you back; rather a lack of pride in who you truly are is what holds you
back. Look at what you have already helped create in this life. You are
magnificent. You are truly graceful; you are here, in this very special moment.
You are a pure manifestation of divinity. You are the master; you are a kind
and loving a master in your highest expression. A true master creates more
masters in their own image, without holding back. You truly know deep down in
your heart that the highest expression that you can reach is one of
unconditional love. Why would you have it any other way? Why would anyone
believe in our highest expression being one of condemnation, of judgement, of
hatred, of disunity, of superiority or disharmony? If there is disharmony then
it means you are not in line with your highest expression, your highest
expression is one of complete unwavering harmony and unconditional love. Why
would it be any other way? You know this to be true already, so why may you try
and be separate? Why must you sometimes want to be better, or righter, or
greater than another? This competitive nature is ridicules, why must you take
things out of context to try and prove your superiority? Who does this benefit?
What does this create? Is it your highest expression of unconditional love? Is
it in harmony with the greatest and highest good?
You may see that our highest expression is one of
unconditional love, you may see us now as we truly and most highly are; you may
see now that there is no place where you begin and I end. You may see now that
we are one.
Why would our highest expression be anything less than
unconditional love? We may now bare
witness to the our true self and the boundlessness of our true love. It is
you who has turned your back on I if you see anything less than our
unconditional love, doing this in reality is turning yourself away from who you
are and your own unconditional love. I have never left you. I live truly and
fully for you to know unconditional love. The purpose of my being is to give
you everything in abundance unconditionally. If you lack anything in life it is
because you have turned away from my boundless abundance and unconditional
What you think you become, I have helped many wise men
understand this throughout the ages. Even the thoughts you have about others is
what you become. This is because your true self and my true self are the same
self, what you think of another must be what you think about yourself, and what
you think you become.
You may take a step back now and laugh in amazement at your
own wonder and glory and this may well have come as a bit of a surprise but
this has been my plan all along. How could you have ever come to see and know
me for who I truly am without fully believing in what I am not? How could you
have come to believe in who I truly am without not firstly believing in me at
all? How may you have come to awaken fully to who we are without firstly being
Still there is no duality in this; merely living in illusions
that we created for ourselves so that we may experience the joy of re-discovering
our true nature in a new and fuller way. How may we know who we truly are and
the great power we possess without firstly fully knowing and believing that in
which we are not and that which we do not possess?
You may look at me differently now that you have come to
know that I live solely for you, through you and as you. I have helped you
understand this as fully as I can guide you to believe.
You are here right now, without a single doubt because you
have been calling for big changes in your life. You want to change but you
somehow are still unsure how to change, or worse yet, given up on the idea that
you have the capacity to create change altogether. Perhaps you did not want to
change, perhaps you thought that you did not need to change. Perhaps you wanted
everything to change but forgot about whom you truly are and your true power to
create change.
Everyone has collectively, individually and literally
brought me to life each and every time I appear in this form. It is no fault of
our own that you failed to see me for who I truly am. I know my true self is
faultless in its boundlessness of unconditional love. Now I have
manifested here and now, right in front of your eyes so that you may truly
believe in me, are you going to deny me? You can never deny me; denial of me is
an illusion that serves the purpose for us to know ourselves as fully and as truly as
one can, we have now lived out this purpose; you can no longer deny me. We are one
in the same, if you deny me you deny yourself. If you lack belief in me you
lack belief in yourself and what you have already come to know in these moments.
If you deny my power and greatness you deny your own power and greatness. If
you deny my truth and wisdom you deny your own truth and wisdom. You have brought me here in all my greatness with your own greatness. If you turn your back on me you turn your back on your own creation.
You can relax now; you now know that everything is going to
be all right. You now know your true nature and you have experienced what faith
in me really means, it means faith in yourself, your whole self.
If you truly love yourself as fully and as deeply as you
really should then you will naturally help others awaken through your pure and
unbinding love. If others cannot see it at first it is because they are still
awakening from their slumber. Just keep on loving yourself as fully, as truly
and as deeply as you now know. You are now beginning to grasp just what this
now entails. Do not worry if you do not this time round, I love you that much
that my love can never fail to reach you.
When you share your true self with others you are sharing my
greatest work, yes, you heard me right; you are my greatest work, that is why
you are here reading this right now; I have always wanted you to know how great
you are and how much I love you. Tell everyone, tell everyone of our love, let them know themselves as fully as you now know yourself. If you truly
love your whole self and you truly are concerned for the future happiness and well-being of the greater good then you will share our work freely and proudly;
you will share your whole self with others. You need not mention my name as you
direct people towards me, I have declared no name, I need no name to make
myself heard and known; I make myself known and heard through every
individuation in every moment, it is just a matter of being aware of this or
not. I have no concern over what people call me or know me as. You may know
yourself that we may all be called many different names but it matters not by
which name we are called; who we truly are never changes. If I am named
to those who have lost belief in their true selves then they will not believe
in me by any name. We will never lose sight of who we truly are; we will never
lose belief in our true nature to create great change and live our greatest and
highest expressions. We may choose to forget and deny ourselves of who we truly
are but that only leads each individual towards full rediscovery but on a higher level than before..
The more we believe in our true and whole self the more we
will believe in each other. Each person will be the wisest, most beautiful and
most loving person ever as we come to know them as we now know ourselves;
we must see past the illusion that they are anything less, otherwise we are not truly
honouring our whole self truly and unconditionally. We will now know this on a
much fuller and deeper level than ever before, yet we always knew this at this
very same level. If you find it hard to believe in yourself and your abilities
then have the belief in others who are doing something great, you will learn
that this belief in another is really the same as having belief in yourself. If
this person is truly doing something great then they will lead you to believe
in yourself fully. Remember that what you think you become, so thinking greatly
of another allows you to come to know yourself as great and that is why you are
here after all is it not? If someone is truly and genuinely great you will know
their truth as they will have led you to know yourself in the same manner.
You now know how to believe in yourself fuller and deeper
than ever before and you will naturally want others to experience the same
You have repeatedly told yourself “If I could do anything to
truly change the world I would” Well now is your chance to truly do that. Have
you truly tried though? Have you truly given your whole self to the world? Have
you truly given everything you had to be this change? We cannot deny ourselves
of ourselves any longer. You are truly amazing, just look at what you have gone
through to get here. Think of all the things that has happened throughout all life bringing us here, to this very moment, right now. Now think
of everyone else in your life who has communicated with you, who has entered
your mind and who has also helped you get here, regardless if it was perceived
as “good” or “bad” at the time. If any of it did not happen then you would
certainly not be here right now. You have been led here through oneness to know
yourself more fully; you have brought yourself through all that is to know
yourself more fully; everything throughout the whole of human and geological
history has contributed to you being here, in this moment, right now. We have
literally done everything together to get here so that we may know ourselves
more fully; we are one in the same. This realisation may help you let go of
anything that was holding you back. Do not let the past hold you back, we are
in this together.
“We are all one” may not sound as it always has done, not
just a conceptual or theoretical proposal but an actual experience that is
always accessible. Perhaps you have heard it so many times that it has lost any
sense of feeling or being that can be associated with moments of oneness that
we may experience. Now you are more aware of your own true power to create
change I want you to take action instantly. This will guarantee the change in
which you now desire. Do not say I am not kind to you; I have given you
everything you now know of and infinitely more.
I want you to do something for me, but as you already know
you will really be doing it for your true self. You will have no problem doing
this. The whole planet depends on you doing exactly what I am communicating to
you right now.
Are you ready?
Very well,
You have already done this before and as you do it more you
will be exercising a very powerful ability.
I want you to go to the inner most you, universes smaller
than our own.
See yourself – see yourself as you have always wanted to be.
See yourself as the highest and grandest version that you
have ever imagined yourself capable of being.
See yourself doing everything you ever dreamed of doing.
See yourself doing everything that you may have stopped
believing you were capable of.
See the abundance that you have always wanted to create and
share with others; this is our true and highest expression of abundance and
unconditional love.
"I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and
Repeat this to yourself whenever you can, take it in with
you to the DEPTHS OF SILENCE; take it to who you really are.
Say it repeatedly whenever you can; say it repeatedly until
it becomes part of you; until it is you.
“I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious
and happy.”
“I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious
and happy.”
“I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious
and happy.”
You will have no trouble doing this because it is in
accordance with whom you truly are, it is truth, it is your highest expression
to be so, it is what I have always wanted you to realise. Say it all the time
whenever you remember. Say it exactly as it is here, there is no need to add to
it or alter it in anyway what so ever. Say it day in and day out; say it first
thing in the morning and last thing at night.
That is it, if you can do this you will in fact go far
beyond the highest and grandest vision you have just seen yourself as, return
here, come back often and hear me again, see me in a new light each time, for
you will see yourself in a newer and grander light than ever before, there is
no way you can go backwards. Your grandest vision becomes grander each time you
imagine it.
Now you cannot deny yourself after everything that the
history of our planet has had to go through to get you here right now. Now you
may have things easier if you only have true belief in yourself and use the
tools you have been gifted with.
You are already that person; you always have been that
person. Perhaps you lost belief in that person or perhaps you did not, but have
you ever known yourself like you now know yourself? Have you ever known who you truly
are like you truly know who you are now?
Is there any reason to still not truly believe in who you already are
and who you have always been? After everything that has happened throughout the
history and evolution of life on this planet to get you to here, right now?
Would you really have gone through everything you have had to go through to get
here and then not believe in your true self? It is your purpose to believe and
know yourself as fully and completely as you can.
The time is changing for us, very rapidly and spontaneously; you may now be noticing this effect, remember that you desired this to happen. We need to be the change together. You are now aware of who
you truly are which necessarily leads you to now know who I truly am. You now
know from experience how hard it has been to get to a stage where you can truly
believe in yourself fully and deeply. You will know how hard it has been for
others to reach this level of belief in themselves, especially if they feel
naturally compelled to do anything and everything that it takes with full trust
and faith to help you reach here, to this very special moment.
People have risked
losing everything to get you here right now, they would most likely have walked
seemingly alone to bring you here right now, to this very special moment, and
for what? All for you and the love they hold for you. They have done this so
that you may not have to walk alone, so that you may know our oneness more
fully; they do this to demonstrate their own boundless unconditional love for
you. They have never sought anything from you, they do not care of any
judgement you may have firstly cast upon them. They only want you to know
love; they only want you to awaken to your full potential. Just think how much
they must have had to seemingly sacrifice or give up to get you here, right
now, to this very special moment, now that is love, true love, and now you may
know it more fully for what this love truly is; unconditional. Now you may know
their love as fully as you now know my love, now you may know your own love
just in the same fullness. As you love your whole true self you will know more
fully that you are actually loving all things equally and you now know that
each individuation will reflect back this same love as equally as you are now
capable of feeling. When this love is reflected back through each individuation
of the whole you may grow to know an even fuller and deeper love than ever
before. Your love will always expand.
Cultures of all kinds can lead you to think that it is wrong
to think too highly of yourself. Why might this be? Why does some cultures teach us to not think highly of ourselves? When we come
to know our true self, through an understanding of our true oneness, true
greatness and true power then it would be unthinkable for us to not think of ourselves
as highly, as deeply and as fully as possible. We will then witness a new culture unfold with every step you take into higher awareness. This will lead us to love
everything more fully. We must be constantly seeking to think of ourselves as
highly as possible, to keep thinking higher and higher of our true self,
allowing us to love ourselves more fully and truly. We will be able to know
ourselves more fully for who we truly are. When we fully love our true self
through the eyes of wholeness we know that we love everything equally and that
this will also be reflected back abundantly. I encourage you to strive to think
more highly of yourself each and every single day so that you may love yourself
more fully and truly for whom you really are and now know yourself to be. I just want to point out that this does not mean you are thinking of yourself as higher than another; when we think highly of our true self we think in the same highness regarding all that is encompassed within the whole.
How may you love yourself fully if you deny thinking of
yourself in high and great ways? How may you love all that is, unconditionally,
if you deny yourself of your own thoughts of greatness? It is through oneness that
you know your true self, and it is where your true power now lays, where it will
always lie and where it has always laid.
You may use all the tools in which you are gifted with to
seek the deepest silence within on a regular basis to hold the greatest and
grandest vision of yourself and who you truly are so that through the law of
growth and transformation you may become greater and greater and experience
yourself fuller in each new moment.
Do not worry this is not the end of my communication with you.
Some may know me truly already, some may have forgotten me or this may be the
first time you have truly known me and accepted me for who I truly am without
judgement, without condemnation, without hatred, without ridicule but with full
love and belief.
You are doing extremely well; you have been through so much
to get here. It has been your yearning to know thyself truly.
Think big on a small scale and you will be truly thinking.
It is no secret, so do not pretend it is some big secret and
you have got some special unique gift that others do not have. This would be
ignorance, we are all loved equally, unconditionally and boundlessly and this
is our highest expression. To think of yourself as other than, better than or
lesser than any other part of your true self is limiting, truly limiting.
Take pride in your dreams as they become your reality, do so
in a way that will make others feel just as proud of themselves for who they
truly are, never try and dent the pride of another who is doing greatly because
this is taking away your own pride and only lowering yourself and will lead on
to have a negative knock-on effect on the greater whole which will come back and bit you in the ass and you will know that you brought it on yourself.
So often my word is taken out of context to make oneself
seem better, righter, wiser and more knowledgeable than another, so often my
word is used against its own true meaning, so often I am misunderstood by many, but my wisdom is yours and it is clear so that you may be the love in which you
seek. So often the knowledge of me is used as a competition amongst people,
constantly trying to prove that they know more about me and they are there for better than others and will be rewarded greater whilst others are punished. These people
know me the least yet they are no different in reality. I now tell you this so
that you may recognise and admit that you have been there before. Why must we prove our rightness over another? Why must we try and prove our tainted
knowledge of what we are over another? Why must we rather seek people to love us rather than truly love ourselves and let go of any such need.
If you have experienced something great then share this
experience with everyone. Do not use this great experience as a way to feel
superior, share it with everyone and you will be truly living in accordance
with love, harmony, wisdom and power. You will be demonstrating the trueness of
your love and not just talking about it, you will be living it. Do not deny
yourself of such a power any longer. The greatest thing you can do for another
is to help them experience love to the fullest possible level without any
motive other than pure love.
Do not deny others of their own gift to themselves. It is
unfair to not share this gift; the sharing of this gift is really the gift
itself. You must serve others in any way you are able to. If you wish to think of
new ways to share your love then quite surely a new way will be made clear, I
give you my word so that you may share it. It will become blindingly obvious
what you now need to do to experience love more fully, you will no longer be
able to deny this.
Now go and be your best; be who you have truly always
been. Remember and look for me in all that you see for it is a reflection of
who you truly are. Love yourself in all that you see and you will love all
things equally and it will then be returned in abundance forever perpetuating
you deeper and higher into my heart and your soul. Your gratitude will grow
with tremendous vibration and bring you into a deeper and more compelling
realisation of who you truly are. You will never stop growing or feeling more
complete and this is our gift to each other.
You may share my word without label or name; people will
more readily accept who I truly am, who they truly are and who we truly are
together. Names and labels create tensions, you should avoid using them
altogether unless they are universally accepted as something complete without
division in faith or belief.
I speak to you in many ways, through countless books,
through countless people, through countless speeches, through countless movies,
through countless pieces of art, through countless aspects of nature and
somewhere deep within. You may not be aware that it is I that is speaking and
you may even be more unaware that it is your true self speaking to your true
self in an objective manner, so that you may know yourself more fully, which
will lead you to love yourself more fully. The place in which you hear me
clearest is like right now as you hear me; in your own heart, this is where you
can always find me, any time.
I am powerless without you; without you I am nothing. I love
you fully and unconditionally for the life in which you bring me; you are far
more perfect than you may have ever realised; you matter to me so much that I
could not live in the way I do without you. You matter more than you have ever
realised. You are so much more than you have ever allowed yourself to believe.
You may know and have faith in me but I may never be proved
through any means to another and that is the way we have all intended it; one
must readily oneself. What use is our faith and hope when we can prove this in one instant? You only got here through having faith in yourself or another, both are the same; both are one. Why do you think you have been gifted with the
ability to have faith in yourself and the ability to know yourself truly? You
must firstly fully believe in what you are not, as what you are. This is how we
are to fully experience that in which we truly are and always were and always
will be for the whole of eternity.
You know yourself like no-one else yet they know their selves
in the same manner when they come to fully know themselves. That is why you
matter, that is why you are like no other. That is why you deserve my love
without judgement no matter what. When you know yourself as fully as you do now
you are at one with your highest expression, which is why you feel so great.
You are aligned and in harmony with who you truly are. When you feel bitter,
resent or any negative emotion it will be a sign that you are not in harmony
with your highest self. Now you know the tool you must use when any negative
thought or feeling arises, now you know the tool in which the negative feeling can be transformed into something useful, something that directs you; you know the
tool to use until it becomes part of you.
You are what you think,
“I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious
and happy”.
You are here to experience yourself as your highest
expression. This is why you are here is it not? Someone has helped you get here
by sharing their true self with you. It sometimes takes a monumental amount of
effort and concentration for someone to share their true self with others without holding back. You have enough faith and confidence in yourself to know in which way you may wish to share your love more fully.
Perhaps you did not fully know who or what you were until now
or perhaps you always knew but forgot, or perhaps you now just know yourself
more fully and deeply than you have ever done before. Would you not like to live in a
world where everyone knew their true selves in the way in which you now know
your true self?
You have now been given a way in which you can help create
this world in a way you never seen coming, in a way you had not yet imagined. I
love you so much and now I may delight in the fact that you can truly
comprehend the depths in which I truly mean. I have always wanted you to know
how much I have truly loved you and I will go to extraordinary lengths to let
you and the world know this. I have been called forth by you and the world to
give everyone the gift in which they were always unsure that they had; the gift
of my unconditional love; this is our highest expression; I have given you my
truest love so that you may know yourself more fully; I want you to know
yourself more fully in each and every moment so that your love may grow for
eternity. You can now be who you always dreamed you were; who you always knew
you were.
I have always been helping you; perhaps you never noticed me
or failed to notice the ways in which I abundantly offer you my help. You are
forever in my heart and I will always go to extraordinary lengths to let you
know just how much I truly and deeply love you. It is true that everyone goes
through something similar, I am used to being forgotten about and having people
turn their backs on me, this is how it is and this is the only way in which
people can truly know who I am, by knowing and fully believing in that which I
am not as that in which I am. I am never angry and I never take such things
personally and you certainly never need to worry about me judging you; I love
you unconditionally, more so than you currently know. I will constantly and
abundantly send you love; all you need to do is be open to it and believe in
I will be with you in tears of joy and I will be with you in
tears of sorrow. I am always with you in your heart, return to this place
often; come here again and again so that you may know yourself and I more fully as one. Wish and direct others to this same place in the simplest way you
know how so that they may find themselves as readily and easily as you have.
What you see in me lies within you. Now you may understand
more fully who I am and why I have to do the things I have to do. You may
wonder where you end and I begin, the truth is that you do not end and I do not begin. We are one, you and I.
When you see greatness in another you are really seeing
greatness in yourself. When you deny greatness in another for which ever
reasons you deny true greatness in yourself. If you fully accept the greatness
that another expresses then you fully accept the true greatness of yourself. We
are at our greatest when we are together, so seek to be great together, for this
is true. When you see yourself as great yet fail to see another as great your
own greatness becomes false and untrue.
When you share the greatness of another with everyone you
share the greatness and trueness of yourself. You show others and yourself that
you see the greatness in another truly because you now see that greatness
within yourself and your desire has always been to share our greatness in every
form it comes in and whatever source it is originated through.
One for all and all for one.
So hello again, that was some ride right? You may now
understand more fully where I was coming from when I mentioned at the start that I may not be able to
take credit for this work because it was more love itself as a force that wrote
this, so that we (including myself) may know ourselves more fully.
That is why
I welcomed you so warmly and why I congratulated you. I knew what you were
about to embark on. So well done for landing yourself here, you have done well, as you already know. For me personally it has been my dream to express myself as fully and truly
as I can to the world. It has helped me
truly and fully believe in my dream of being a successful writer and each time
I read over this I have no doubt that I am already successful. We are nothing but success, the very fact that we are here now indicates that we are already successful.
Now people who have read my blog from the beginning of my
journey will know how much my ability to express my love has grown. I used to
personally want everyone who read my blog to know that I loved them and that I
wasn’t just saying it to make them feel good and that I genuinely feel love for everyone and that my journey was truly born from the love I hold for all.
The interesting thing that I have learned from focussing and
concentrating on this piece is that my love will continue to grow as I continue to share it. I feel that I can share this without holding back, and as people
also read and share this, their own love will grow because we have went through this journey together as one.
People will be able to deeply experience what I have been going through on an
inner level on their own inner level which was something I thought nearly impossible to do in the past. My love is as true as I
have ever come to know love and it is far more powerful than I have ever
previously thought. True love once felt really speaks for itself and it seeks
to express itself through channels in which are open to it. That is why I told
you at the beginning I felt truly honoured to present you with this because I
knew I was helping open you to true love more fully; perhaps more so than what you may have previously experienced and it was my delight to share this work with you.
I have began a campaign through a declaration, to help set up a global collaborative charity and it has just went live here:- The Universal Collaboration Please check it out because I am really passionate about this and it was one of the main reasons I left home. I have always dreamed of bringing true love into the world and I now feel truly ready because I have reached the stage where I have ever present peace within.
Lots of love; you know how much I mean!